

___________________________________ STEVEN AFTERGOOD ) on behalf of the ) FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SCIENTISTS ) 307 Massachusetts Avenue, NE ) Washington, DC 20002 ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) ) CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ) Washington, DC 20505 ) Defendant. ) ___________________________________)


1. Plaintiff Steven Aftergood, on behalf of the Federation of American Scientists, seeks disclosure of the amounts of the total budget request and total appropriation for intelligence for fiscal year 1999 under the Freedom of Information Act. The CIA has refused to release these amounts despite the urgent public need for the information and despite the fact that the President has determined that the annual total budget appropriation for intelligence may be released without harming the national security. The CIA's refusal to release this information is a violation of the law.

2. Information is exempt from disclosure under (b)(1) of the Freedom of Information Act only if it is properly classified pursuant to executive order. President Clinton's Executive Order 12958 states that information may be classified only if its disclosure "reasonably could be expected to result in damage to the national security," sec. 1.2(a)(4). The Executive Order also provides that "if there is significant doubt about the need to classify information, it shall not be classified," sec. 1.2(b).

3. 1996年4月24日,由解释中央情报局,多伊奇的然后主任,克林顿总统“被说服披露拨到情报目的将告知公众的年度金额并不会在自身,危害情报活动。“

4. The previous day, on April 23, 1996, as announced by the White House Press Secretary, the President unveiled "several significant reforms for the Intelligence Community," one of which was that, "reflecting the President's determination to promote openness in the Intelligence Community, he has authorized Congress to make public the total appropriation -- the bottom line figure -- for intelligence at the time the appropriations conference report is approved by Congress."

5. The President's reforms reflected the unanimous recommendations of a bipartisan group of national security experts. The Press Secretary explained that the announced reforms "build on the recommendations made in the Brown Commission Report on the Roles and Capabilities of the Intelligence Community." 6. That Commission on the Roles and Capabilities of the United States Intelligence Community ("Commission") was chartered by statute in 1994 to examine "the efficacy and appropriateness" of U.S. intelligence policies including "to what extent, if any, should the budget for United States intelligence activities be publicly disclosed." (Public Law 103-359). It consisted of bipartisan members appointed by the President and the Congress.

7.在其最终报告中,两党委员会一致建议,“在每个国会预算周期开始时,主席或指定人员透露的钱拨给情报活动,为当前财年(包括NFIP,JMIP总量,和被请求TIARA),总金额为下一财年“。(Preparing for the 21st Century: An Appraisal of U.S. Intelligence,建议14-2,第142页,加上强调)。

8. In October 1997, theCIA公布拨到1997年财年的金额in response to plaintiff Aftergood's request. They did so after he filed a complaint under the Freedom of Information Act pointing out that "[t]he CIA has refused to release the total intelligence budget figure on the grounds that the figure is properly classified and therefore exempt from release under the Act. However, President Clinton has concluded that this information does not meet the standards for classification. Thus, the CIA's refusal to release the total intelligence budget figure is in violation of the law."

9.在1998年3月,该中情局披露拨到1998年财年的金额。The agency did so after plaintiff Aftergood threatened a second lawsuit.

10. To date, however, the CIA has failed to disclose the total budget amount requested or appropriated for intelligence for fiscal year 1999. The CIA's refusal to release this information violates the Executive Order on classification and the Freedom of Information Act.


11. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. sec. 552(a)(4)(B), the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. sec 701及以下,28日事项秒。1331年和1361年。

12.地点就在于此区下5 U.S.C.秒。552(A)(4)(B)。


13.美国科学家联合会是一个52年老研究机构关注的国家安全政策。原告史蒂芬Aftergood是政府保密的联邦项目的主任,其目的是减少不必要的政府保密和提高公众监督和政府活动的问责制。去年,诉讼通过导致披露原告带来total amount appropriated for intelligence in 1997

14. Defendant Central Intelligence Agency is an agency of the United States government which has possession of the information requested by plaintiff under the Freedom of Information Act.


Count One: Total Budget Request for Intelligence for Fiscal Year 1999



17. 1998年他1月26日的信中,原告Aftergood进一步要求“快速处理”的要求,根据美国法典5552A(6)(E)(I)(I)援引“迫切需要”,通知有关未决预算申请量公众。

18. By letter dated February 18, 1998, the CIA granted the request for expedited processing.

19.信息自由法要求该机构在20个工作日内决定是否将遵守对信息的请求,并要求一个“机构应尽快对哪个机构授予加急处理记录的任何请求处理切实可行。”5 U.S.C.秒。552A(6)(A)和(E)(ⅲ)。


21. By letter dated March 19, 1998, plaintiff appealed the Agency's failure to provide the requested information.

22.1998年11月23日的来信,中情局德利ed plaintiff's request, refusing to release the information on the grounds that it is classified.

23. Defendant CIA's refusal to release the requested information violates the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. sec. 552.

Count Two: Total Budget Appropriation for Intelligence for Fiscal Year 1999

24. Plaintiff incorporates each allegation of paragraphs 1-14 as if fully set forth herein.

25. 1998年10月13日,信,原告Aftergood,代表美国科学家,根据信息自由法案联合会,请求指示的情报,1999年财年从中情局总预算拨款文件复印件。

26. 1998年10月22日,信,原告Aftergood,代表美国科学家,根据信息自由法案的联邦,由专门请求情报财政年度的更新的总预算拨款补充了1998年10月13日申请1999年,包括情报的“紧急追加”资金。


28. 1998年10月29日的信中,CIA承认原告Aftergood的1998年10月13日的请求。

29. By letter dated November 10, 1998, the CIA further acknowledged plaintiff Aftergood's updated October 22, 1998 request, explaining "[t]he additional funding is considered part of the total budget for purposes of processing" plaintiff Aftergood's initial October 13, 1998 request and further that the agency will "not need to either cancel the earlier request nor open a new one."

30. The Freedom of Information Act requires the agency to determine within 20 working days whether it will comply with requests for information. 5 U.S.C. 552a(6)(A).

31. CIA并没有提供所需的时间内提供所需的信息。

32. 1998年11月24日,信,原告Aftergood呼吁该机构未能提供所需的信息。

33. 1998年12月3日,信,美国中央情报局确认收到了原告的上诉。原告已收到他的上诉没有进一步的回应。




Center for National Security Studies
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