
[日期戳:] 2002年9月24日

___________________________________ BARBARA SCHWARZ)原告))民事诉讼号00-2758(JDB)诉))联邦调查局)调查,等人,)被告。)___________________________________)


在根据信息自由法案,美国法典5这种情况下,� 552 ("FOIA"), plaintiff names the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI") and 47 of its subdivisions, the Office of Information and Privacy ofthe Department of Justice,1the Central Intelligence Agency ("CIA"), and the Department of the Army and 19 of its subdivisions. Defendants have filed a motion to dismiss the complaint for failure to state a claim on which relief can be granted. On review of the complaint, the motion, plaintiff's opposition, and the applicable law, including decisions in previous cases filed by plaintiff in this Court, the motion will be granted.


这是关系到原告的努力获得有关自己和Mark C.拉思信息的许多案例之一。在这方面和其他FOIA案件原告的十字军东征的前提是,马克·拉斯本被非法定罪已经被强奸和谋杀了她,她是他的“救济的见证”,并认为他在一所联邦监狱所在地是被隐藏的部分德国纳粹的阴谋,感染联邦政府的许多层面。2The claims against the subdivisions of the Department of Justice relate to FOIA requests mailed by plaintiff in June, July, and August, 2000. The claim against the CIA involves a FOIA request plaintiff mailed on June 15, 2000. Her claim against the Department of the Army and its subdivisions involves requests she mailed on October 8, 1999, and July 24, 2000.3

Plaintiff mailed identical FOIA requests to nine FBI field offices on June 7, 2000,4to eleven different FBI field offices on July 13, 2000,and to 25 additional FBI field offices on August 7, 2000.6该要求是信息关于自己(作为施瓦茨或施瓦茨),马克·拉思C.(罗斯柴尔德)和马克的父母克劳德和伊丽莎白·拉思(罗斯柴尔德)。原告询问是否拉思,他的律师或家人的律师,或独立或特别顾问接触过的关于原告或她FOIA诉讼记录的外地办事处。虽然原告的主要兴趣是拉思,她还要求有关L.罗恩贺伯特,山达基教会的创始人信息。她声称,美国联邦调查局“迫害”哈伯德“他一生中最后,FBI从德国纳粹买的谎言,他就没有高尚的人。”看到,e.g.,器Comp1。在13原告所确定的具体指标中,她要求每个搜索进行,并要求中提到的个人和各办事处搜索所有申报公共记录。她提供了她的身份的认证和授权的外地办事处对她提供任何记录拉思,他的家人,他们的律师,或独立或特别顾问。

Plaintiff received varying responses from the offices. Generally the response was to ask her to provide privacy waivers from individuals other than herself, and to inform her that the office had no responsive records and that no inquiries or subpoenas had been received from any independent or special counsel. Some offices advised plaintiff that FBI headquarters has records on L. Ron Hubbard, after plaintiff informed them that he had been declared dead.7

一些办事处描述已经搜索到的记录系统,促使原告抱怨办公室未能搜索其他记录系统。匹兹堡办公室,被告7,告诉原告,它有她在美国马里兰联邦地区法院提起了案件的记录,但并没有产生那些记录。并发症。在19这个响应导致原告抱怨办公室应该发现她在犹他州和哥伦比亚特区,诉讼的记录和其他机构应该位于这些案件的记录,因此没有进行充分的搜索。例如。,FBI Cincinnati, defendant 19, and FBI San Francisco, defendant 36. Compl. at 88.8原告对象,她不提供“搜索声明”,并认为该办事处位于她没有记录没有告诉她这名曾搜查。

原告2000年6月15日,请求美国联邦调查局的刑事司法信息服务部,被告48,是专门针对在以前FOIA请求,原告在西弗吉尼亚州,第四巡回诉讼上诉的连接而产生的记录,以及美国最高法院。她还问是否办公室已收到来自拉思的她之前FOIA诉讼或家人的律师或独立或特殊的律师记录查询或传票。并发症。在112-13。这个办公室的官员回应说什么原告索赔是她的请求的故意误会9and a referral to headquarters for processing.


原告挑战由答复说,她没有记录,并通过独立的或特殊的律师没有调查的记录每一个办公室进行搜索的充分性。她声称,在办公室时,他们说她从来没有调查感兴趣的联邦调查局并没有被电子监控对象提供错误的信息。她拒绝接受的响应,该办公室没有这样的记录,比它不会搜索有关马克·拉斯本或他的父母记录而不隐私弃权。10All such responses are attributed to the German Nazi conspiracy. For example, plaintiff asserts that the Pittsburgh office "misinformed Mark Rathbun, his family or their attorneys (sic) or the independent or special counsel having no records on me so that they don't get hold of me as witness and to obstructjustice." Compl. at 20;也可以看看并发症。at 50 (Louisville Field Office, defendant 22). In some instances, a "no records" response provokes an allegation that the office simply did not conduct any search.看到,e.g.,并发症。at 38 (Phoenix field office, defendant 18) (plaintiff asserts that the requested subpoenas exist and the office is "deliberately withholding them from" her); Compl. at 41 (Cincinnati field office, defendant 19); Compl. at 46-47 (Newark field office, defendant 21).

波士顿办事处,在班戈,缅因州,被告12和13及其相关办公,发送原告7次与L.罗恩贺伯特,随着FBI特工的名字删剪谁写的报道,在依赖豁免7(C)的网页ReportsReportsFOIA, 5 U.S.C. � 552(a)(7)(C). Plaintiff objects to the excisions on the ground that "if a government employee wants to stay private, he or she should seek employment in the private sector." Compl. at 30. In addition, because plaintiff has been informed that FBI headquarters has more than 600 pages of records on Hubbard, she contends that it is impossible that other offices have no records on him.看到,e.g.,并发症。at 38 (Phoenix field office, defendant 18). The Cincinnati field office, defendant 19, found records on Hubbard but declined to produce them, referring plaintiff instead to the FBI Headquarters reading room. Plaintiff asserts that "they found German Nazi lies in those records ... that were deliberately wrongfully spread about L. Ron Hubbard to destroy his reputation and life and they don't want me to obtain a copy, so that I can't correct the lies." Compl. at 42. Plaintiff asserts that she has a right to 100 pages free ftom these records and should not be referred to the reading room when she is in Utah.11并发症。at 42. The Cleveland field office, defendant 20, provided 15 pages relating to Hubbard, also with certain excisions made in reliance on Exemption 7(C). Plaintiff objects that additional records must be available and seeks anin camerainspection to determine whether the exemptions were proper. Compl. at 44. Some offices, for example the Newark field office, defendant 21, the Louisville field office, defendant 22, and the Milwaukee field office, defendant 23, referred plaintiff's request about Hubbard to headquarters. Plaintiff asserts this was a deliberate attempt to delay processing of her request because of the known backlog of FOIA requests at FBI headquarters.



一般来说,与FBI办公室,陆军办公室发现没有反应的记录,并没有搜索关于第三方记录。15Plaintiff objects that most offices that responded merely advised her that no records had been located, without describing the particulars of the search.例如。,被告63,器Comp1。在136;被告64,器Comp1。在137;被告66,器Comp1。在140处其他办公室简单的提交投诉前没有从主FOIA办公室回应了转诊。陆军医疗司令部,被告55,搜索有关的Rathbuns,他们的律师和独立的或特殊的律师记录,但没有发现任何记录。并发症。在124处当助理秘书办公室,财务管理和会计长告知原告,它并没有维持关于除现役军人和文职雇员,原告质疑该办公室丢弃FOIA要求,传票和其他法律文件,公民个人记录。并发症。 at 139.

工程师监察长工程师军团办公室称原告的请求,陆军监察长。原告称,这是在试图掩盖现有的记录来完成。此外,她声称,陆军监察长“完全是非法的办公室,不尊重任何FOIA / PA的法律......”器Comp1。在129。

Plaintiff's final request was sent on July 24, 2000, to the Inspector General of the Department of the Army. Again, she requested records regarding herself, her litigation cases (the three District of Columbia cases previously mentioned and a case in an unspecified court numbered 95-275-B), L. Ron Hubbard, Chattanooga, Utah, the Rathbuns, and subpoenas from their attorneys or an independent or special counsel. Records Release Officer Nancy Reed responded with the usual request for a privacy waiver from the third parties. Plaintiff claims this was an illegal attempt to refuse to search for the records. She alleges that Reed knows that Rathbun is illegally incarcerated because of the Nazi conspiracy, and it is public knowledge that Hubbard "was officially declared dead in 1986." Compl. at 126. Plaintiff's administrative appeal of this response was unsuccessful. On August 13, 2000, plaintiff requested from this office its records on President Eisenhower. This request was ignored.



[和]调查,如果这一案件的联邦被告告知马克C.拉思,他的家人,他们的律师,独立或Spedial(SIC)的律师错误地不知道我的FOIA / PA请求,申诉和其他记录的成员,从而使they don't get hold of me, so that I can't testify for innocent Mark Rathbun and can't testify as to a German originated, German oriented, German controlled Nazi-conspiracy that has infiltrated the U.S. government to deny good American citizens their rights.

并发症。at 147-48.


被告实质上主张原告未能阐明其因为她的许多FOIA要求是基于幻想的前提下,马克·拉斯本非法举办的纳粹阴谋的一部分减免可被准许的要求。被告认为,该机构故意不搜索记录或故意隐瞒记录的指控是结论性的,没有任何“理性事实”来支持他们。备忘录支持行动遣散“备忘录”)在11。他们指出,该机构尽管原告的异议进行充分的合法的搜索,很多的搜索是不够的,因为实体没有搜索每一个办公室和记录每一个系统。看到SafeCard Servs. v. SEC,926 F.2d 1197,1201(D.C.Cir。1991)。他们指出,原告没有在行政级别为“搜索宣言”或有权“查询证明”。看到财政部施瓦茨诉美国车厂,131 F.增刊。2d 142, 147 (D.D.C. 2000),aff'd,2001 WL 674636 (D.C. Cir., May 10, 2001),重审否认(哥伦比亚特区巡回法庭,2001年7月10日)。此外,他们争辩说,这民事诉讼构成滥用程序。

原告已经提交了漫长的反对运动,主要理由是她的要求的前提是建立在事实,并非不切实际。看到反对at 19-20.16She points out that she has filed numerous cases because of the "corruption of so many agencies and their conspirative coordinated actions against" her.反对在5她声称,“敌对的,非法的,违宪的议案”被提起,因为辩护律师“知道这些机构没有或者根本搜索或故意搜查了错误的记录或故意搜查只是不充分和故意隐瞒记录”她。ID。17她声称,没有搜索的是她要求,因为他们被非法从她扣下了传票提出。反对在6点钟。18原告说,她可以证明,“美国政府正在秘密由德国纳粹的阴谋渗透,美国政府雇员是‘欠’德国美国政府内部自己的职业生涯,因为德国人帮助他们偷偷到他们的位置。”反对at 7. Had Judge Kennedy (presumably in财政部施瓦茨诉美国车厂supra)要求中情局提供的声明,他将“终于如愿[她]绑架的底部,由德国纳粹,[她]被他们虐待,[她]是的doughter L.罗恩贺伯特和孙女的(原文如此)艾森豪威尔总统的(原文如此),并嫁给马克·拉思C.(罗斯柴尔德)。”反对在7-8。原告重申拉思“可能会失去自己的生命身陷囹圄”和机构应该给她一个联系地址所以她希望作证,证明他是被陷害的,是无辜的,她可以通知他,他的家人,或者他的律师。反对at 8-9. She is entitled to learn where Rathbun is being held, because the place of incarceration of a federal prisoner is known to the FBI and is public information.反对在9此外,该机构应该有马克,克劳德和伊丽莎白·拉思公共信息提供了她。反对11。


原告拒绝被告的说法,她已经通过提交轻浮FOIA要求滥用系统。她指的是名叫迈克尔Ravnitzky个人谁她声称已提出至少2000 FOIA请求,但一直没有被指控滥用系统。原告声称,她已没有提起上千行政申诉,而不是骚扰任何被告或任何法院,而只是要求他们“做他们的工作。”反对在23-24。至于案件引用了其中频繁申报者被处分被告,原告称,这些诉讼“的“多”被聘用的申请确实轻浮行为滥用系统,使法院的意见可以通过腐败的法官被用来拒绝诚实诉讼当事人权利“。反对23。

III. Legal Analysis

In considering a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, the Court must accept all well pleaded factual allegations as true and draw all reasonable inferences in favor of the plaintiff.见,例如,King & Spalding Hishon诉,467U.S. 69, 73 (1984);康利诉吉布森,355美国41,45-46(1957);Atchinson诉哥伦比亚特区,73 F.3rd 418,421(D.C.巡回1996)。申索可被解雇,只有当它是某种“毫无疑问”,有没有套的事实根据该浮雕可以理所当然的。康利诉吉布森,前。虽然亲SE投诉,特别举行“不那么严格的标准不是由律师起草的正式诉状,”Haines v. Kerner,404 U.S. 519, 520 (1972), the court is not bound to "accept unsupported assertions, unwarranted inferences or sweeping legal conclusions cast in the form of factual allegations."Himmelman诉MCI Communs.Corp。,104F. Supp. 2d 1, 3 (D.D.C. 2000).

这是第四个五个FOIA投诉,原告在过去几年中提交给本法院,对马克·拉斯本,他的家人,艾森豪威尔总统和L.罗恩贺伯特各自寻求记录,并大约罗斯玛丽玛丽·布雷特施奈德一些除请求信息在潜艇村一所学校,山达基教会,和所谓的德国纳粹的阴谋渗透到政府。19第一种情况,Schwarz v. United States Department of Treasury,民事诉讼98-2406,命名79名被告。力竭意见给予被告的简易判决动议,131 F.增刊。2D 142(D.D.C. 2000年),是由上诉法院,2001 WL 674636(哥伦比亚特区巡回法庭,。1O月,2001年)的肯定,重审否认(D.C. Cir., July 13, 2001).20

A second case,能源施瓦茨诉美国能源部,民事诉讼99-3234,命名为额外的72个联邦州,各分支机构,以及许多个人,共807名独立被告。21原告的FOIA要求在这种情况下,相关的Rathbuns,他们的律师,哈伯德,独立或特别顾问,德国人,学校在潜艇村大盐湖,和罗斯玛丽·布雷特施奈德。这种情况下,被驳回,理由是它未能阐明其救济可以理所当然的,很轻浮或恶意索赔。法院认为,投诉人的投诉“不是基于对行为合法值得商榷的挑战对原告的FOIA请求,而是[是]立足于现实的原告的误解,因此必须被驳回,因为它都失败[编者按]陈述索赔上其浮雕可授予并[是]轻浮。Neitzke诉威廉姆斯,490年美国319,32五(1989)."能源施瓦茨诉美国能源部,民事诉讼编号99-3234(D.D.C. 2001年11月5日),aff'd,2002 WL 1050431(哥伦比亚特区巡回法庭,2002年3月25日)。在肯定解雇,上诉法院指出,“在某种程度上的[原告]的投诉很多方面‘缺乏[]无论是在法律上或事实上的依据值得商榷,’Neitzke诉威廉姆斯,409 U.S. 319, 325 (1989), they were properly dismissed as frivolous."

第三种情况,施瓦茨诉美国总审计局,Civil Action No. 00-369, was dismissed on November 13, 2001. The dismissal also has been affirmed, 2002 WL 1050444 (D.C. Cir., March 29, 2002).22The most recent case filed by plaintiff in this Court is农业施瓦茨诉美国车厂,民事诉讼编号01-1464。In that case, plaintiff named 3,087 defendants in a complaint of 2,370 pages. In the initial review of the complaint in connection with plaintiff's application for leave to proceedin forma pauperis首席法官托马斯·F·霍根指出,原告名为“这似乎是每一个联邦部门,独立的联邦机构和办公室或其部件和各机构的信息自由法人员。”农业施瓦茨诉美国车厂,等,Order filed June 29, 2001, at 3. The complaint was dismissed with prejudice as frivolous and malicious, pursuant to 28 U.S.C. �1915(e)(2)(B)(i). Plaintiff thereafter was enjoined from further filings except under limited circumstances. Both the dismissal and the injunction order have been affirmed by the Court of Appeals.农业,秘书等人的施瓦茨诉部。,2001 WL 1610051(哥伦比亚特区巡回法庭,2001年11月23日)。

法院审查在这种情况下,投诉,运动驳回,并原告的响应。原告的信息自由法要求的前提是,德国纳粹的阴谋已经渗透到美国政府,马克拉思正在举行秘密已被错误定罪,该阴谋的目的之一是为了防止原告从定位拉思或他的父母或律师等等她能代表他作证,以及一个独立的或特殊的律师可能不成功试图达到原告获得她的证词。23The Court concludes that this premise is fanciful and has no basis in fact.

The Freedom of Information Act is designed to provide requesters with real information about how the government works. Its admirable purpose is abused when misguided individuals are allowed (in this case, repeatedly) to submit requests to every agency and subdivision of the government, seeking information about an imaginary conspiracy. Thus this case, as were two of plaintiff's previous cases, will be dismissed as frivolous pursuant to 28 U.S.C. � 1915(e)(2)(B)(i).

一个合适的订单,签署day, accompanies this Memorandum Opinion.



1This office appears to have been named because it is the component of the Department of Justice that denied plaintiff's administrative appeals.

2Plaintiff provided with her FOIA requests to many offices a declaration dated October 8, 1997, stating that she is Rathbun's wife and "relief witness," that he has been framed by the German Nazi conspiracy, and that the lives of both of them are in danger.




6These offices are named as defendants 2, 4-17, 19-23, and 42-46.

7For example, FBI Little Rock, defendant 5. Compl. at 16.




11Reading rooms provide access to basic agency records that must be made "available for public inspection and copying," either at agency offices or electronically. 5 U.S.C. � 552(a)(2). Such records ordinarily cannot be the subject of regular FOIA requests. 5 U.S.C. � 552(a)(3)(A).

12原告曾要求该请求被称为74个具体办事处。她反对的FOIA官员的Rose Marie克里斯滕森,简称请求首席律师回应几个指定的办事处,以及其他办事处,而不是办公室特别命名。看到Compl.at 115-12 19.原告声称,这是企图掩盖响应记录完成的。



15The Army Space and Missile Defense Command, for example, told plaintiff that it had searched for and found no records regarding L. Ron Hubbard and Sarah Hubbard Eisenhower/Rathbun, but did not describe a search for records regarding plaintiff as Barbara Schwarz or Schwartz, and did not search for the Rathbuns or their attorneys or the special counsel.看到并发症。在120。


17Plaintiff later asserts that it "is treason against the United States and a very hard blow against the United States Constitution and national ecurity to consider a case that could very well prove the secret German Nazi infiltration of the U.S. government as no legitimate complaint."反对at 21-22. See also反对在35(被告是“一个令人厌恶的卑鄙阴谋纳粹下令由德国,使它不可能对我记录他们的美国政府和他们的高犯罪的渗透承诺,同时具有犯罪官员和法官不受控制的访问。”)。

18原告后来声称,这是“合理的结论是,被告误导马克·拉斯本(罗斯柴尔德)的律师或家人的律师或没有对我的任何记录,以妨碍司法公正,使他们没有独立的或特别顾问get hold of me as witness, against the German Nazi infiltration of the U.S. Government and as witness to the wrongful incarceration of Mark Rathbun.... I知道they are lying to me and lying to them." Opposition at 15-16 (emphasis in original).

19这五个最近FOIA案件都没有,但是,原告的诉讼仅活动。原告的九本法院提起以前的案件都在订单2001年6月29日提交的注脚1所列,在Schwarz v. United States Dep't of Agriculture,民事诉讼编号01-1464。此外,她还自己引用的各种其他联邦的情况下,她带来了,例如,犹他州,马里兰州,西弗吉尼亚州和其他地方。

20地方法院意见总结了她的父母,她与马克·拉斯本的关系,并与艾森豪威尔总统和L.罗恩贺伯特涉嫌连接原告的论点。看到Schwarz v. United States Department of Treasury,131 F.增刊。2D在145 N.4。


22第四情况下仍悬而未决,Schwarz v. United States Dep't of Health and Human Servs. et al,民事诉讼编号00-1610,名在189页的起诉书中465名被告。


Source: Clerk's Office, D.C. District Court