from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
Volume 2004, Issue No. 35
April 12, 2004



But this appears to be wishful thinking, and pressure for more such releases is already growing.

The extraordinarily rapid transition of the newly released document from being among "the most highly sensitive documents in the government" to a merely "historical" memo that can be openly published with minor deletions has glaringly exposed the arbitrary character of the national security classification system. And it inevitably invites further challenges, despite the DCI's strictures.

9-11委员会成员鲍勃·克里(Bob Kerrey)今天在《华盛顿邮报》上说:“如果美国人民真的想对发生的事情进行完整的分析,那么这些PDB是该景观的重要组成部分。”“我们需要完全访问所有这些。”

The pretense of inviolable secrecy surrounding the PDB is unfounded, in any case. The National Security Archive has published ten PDBs that are in the public domain (newly updated with supplemental material


Thus, former DCI Robert M. Gates received CIA permission to characterize and to quote verbatim from two PDBs in his 1996 memoir "From the Shadows," including the September 2, 1983 PDB on the Soviet shoot-down of KAL-007 (at page 267) and a passage from the August 17, 1991 PDB on the impending break up of the USSR (at page 521) (thanks to Jim Dempsey).

从2001年8月6日的总统每日简报(标题为“ Bin Ladin决心在美国罢工”)的新披露的摘录的副本,请参见此处:



罗伯特·皮尔(Robert Pear)在《纽约时报》(New York Times)上写道:“ PDB的发布是“政治要求有时如何迫使官员搁置政府对国家安全信息进行分类和解密的正常程序的最新例子”。

See "Politics Can Get in the Way of Keeping Papers Secret," April 10:

NSPD 9关于打击恐怖主义

In another recent example of politically-driven declassification of ostensibly "top secret" information, the White House has released two partial sentences from the September 4, 2001draftNational Security Presidential Directive (NSPD) 9 on combating terrorism.

The point of the release was to document that the Defense Department had been instructed to plan for military options against Taliban and al Qaeda targets prior to the September 11 attacks.

See the declassified White House description of NSPD 9 here (thanks to Michael Evans):



"Given the bipartisan opposition to the [Patriot Act] at this moment as it currently stands, there are many of us who believe it is necessary to make some adjustments in the law as we move toward reauthorization," said Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID), an original sponsor of the Security and Freedom Ensured (SAFE) Act to amend the Patriot Act.

"The SAFE Act restores what I believe is the proper level of judicial oversight in the process," said Sen. Craig.

The Ashcroft Justice Department opposes the measure.




The Department of Energy released its latest quarterly report on inadvertent disclosures of classified nuclear weapons information through the declassification of historical records. As before, the most common inadvertent releases concern the location of historical nuclear weapons depots and stockpile quantities. See:

The status and conduct of defense intelligence programs were examined in some depth in an April 7 hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee. The prepared testimony from that hearing is available here:


The trial, conviction and sentencing last month of the infectious disease specialist Thomas C. Butler on charges of improperly transporting hazardous materials were critically and angrily reviewed by his Texas Tech University colleague and supporter, the distinguished geologist Thomas M. Lehman.



可以从上周在阿拉伯媒体上播出的被告约旦恐怖分子和安萨尔·阿尔·伊斯兰人(Ansar al-Islam)人物阿布·穆萨布·扎尔卡维(Abu Musab Zarqawi)的声明中,对美国伊斯兰敌人的不满,痴迷和动机的一种异常生动的感觉。

Behind the Islamist hyperventilating, an itemized complaint can be discerned: the U.S. is bent on seizing the region's natural resources, defending the security of Israel, and deflecting the rise of Islam.

"America came to spread obscenity and vice and establish its decadence and ribald culture in the name of freedom and democracy. It hopes to remold the region and change its political, religious, and cultural map according to its personal interests."

As much as he hates Americans and Jews, Zarqawi loathes Shiite Muslims even more.

“他们(什叶派)对穆斯林的邪恶和仇恨比其他任何人都比其他任何人都更加邪恶和仇恨了……不存在 - 是上帝和先知中的非信徒,愿上帝的和平与祝福降临在他身上。”

Seething with anger, resentment and an insatiable longing for transcendence or death, the author threatens continued, escalating violence against American and Shia targets in Iraq.




Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

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