from the FAS Project on Government Secrecy
October 30, 2006


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In an unusual investigation of improper secrecy involving unclassified information, an Inspector General report last week found that a Defense Department contractor marked records as "proprietary data," thereby restricting their dissemination, even though the records did not qualify as proprietary.

Halliburton的组成部分Kellogg,Brown and Root Services,Inc。(KBR)“通常将其提供给政府提供的几乎所有信息都标记为KBR专有数据,”伊拉克重建特别监察长发现。

This is not consistent with Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), the IG said.

"The routine use of proprietary markings when the data marked is not internal contractor information... is an abuse of FAR procedures [and] inhibits transparency of government activities and the use of taxpayer funds...," the Inspector General reported.

"The result is that information normally releasable to the public must be protected from public release...."

"In effect, KBR has turned FAR provisions designed to protect truly proprietary information ... into a mechanism to prevent the government from releasing normally transparent information, thus potentially hindering competition and oversight," the Inspector General concluded.

See "Interim Audit Report on Inappropriate Use of Proprietary Data Markings by the Logistics Civil Augmentation Program Contractor," Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, October 26, 2006:

Halliburton的Kellogg Brown&Root Unit在2001年赢得了170亿美元的合同,为全世界的美国陆军提供服务,其中包括超过154亿美元的伊拉克工作。他写道:“尽管KBR因其会计惯例,账单和未来成本的估计而受到批评,但该审核是第一个引用其限制信息的审计。”

而国家安全classification procedures are governed by certain rules and procedures, including a degree of external oversight, the same is not consistently true of the dozens of control markings (such as "proprietary data" or "for official use only") that are increasingly imposed on unclassified information.

So, for example, there are well-defined procedures for declassification of classified information, but there are no such procedures for lifting controls on many varieties of "sensitive but unclassified" information.


The new Inspector General report suggests that this is a function that might regularly be assumed by agency Inspectors General.

A House Government Reform Subcommittee held a hearing last March on the proliferation of controls on unclassified information and their consequences. The record of that hearing has recently been published.

See "Drowning in a Sea of Faux Secrets: Policies on Handling of Classified and Sensitive Information," House Committee on Government Reform, March 14, 2006:


Confronted for the first time by a congressional request to review the classification of two congressional reports, the new Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) has been stymied by doubts over its own authority to proceed.


9月,参议员罗恩·怀登(Ron Wyden)(D-OR)和参议院情报委员会的其他成员在内ReportsReports伊拉克的情报,认为这些文件被超分类。这是董事会的第一个此类任务(保密新闻,09/15/06).

Under the terms of the amended statute, the Board now says it cannot act on the congressional request without specific Presidential approval.

"The statute under which we operate provides that [President Bush] must request the board undertake such a review before it can proceed," wrote L. Britt Snider, chairman of the Public Interest Declassification Board, in a letter to Sen. Wyden.

In effect, it appears, the Bush Administration must authorize the Board's investigation of whether the Bush Administration overclassified the reports in question.

参见10月30日,肖恩·沃特曼(Shaun Waterman)的《肖恩·沃特曼(Shaun Waterman)》的“'puppet''

Some aspects of the dilemma were reported by Tim Starks in Congressional Quarterly on October 20, and elaborated by Nick Schwellenbach of the Project on Government Oversight in "Public Interest Declassification Board: Who's the Boss?":


Some recent products of the Congressional Research Service, not made directly available to the public, include the following.

"Pakistan-U.S. Relations," updated October 26, 2006:


"Western Sahara: Status of Settlement Efforts," updated September 29, 2006:


Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

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