保密新闻 金博宝网站//www.tumejico.com/sgp/news/secrecy/ 保密新闻是FAS政府保密项目出版物网站非正式覆盖保密、安全情报政策新动态, 保密新闻12/23/19 secrecy
卷2019FAS项目188金宝搏官网是多少2019年12月23日br/secrecy/ss/org/blogs/secrecy/But the Trump White House said that many of them encroach on executive authority and that they may not be implemented as written.

Several provisions of the FY2020 Consolidated Appropriations Act "purport to mandate or regulate the submission of certain executive branch information to the Congress or the public, including by mandating the declassification of certain information," the White House said in a December 20 signing statement.

"My Administration will treat these provisions consistent with the President's constitutional authority to control the disclosure of information that could impair foreign relations, national security, law enforcement, the deliberative processes of the executive branch, or the performance of the President's constitutional duties," the statement said.

Among the provisions that the White House specifically objected to was a requirement to declassify information regarding Saudi government assistance to Saudi nationals in the U.S.涉嫌犯罪(HR 1865,Sect.902由Sen介绍Ron Wyden以语音表决通过参议院并被纳入最终立法(并附加情报源和方法豁免)。金博宝网站s/www.tumejico.com/irp/congress/2019_cr/saudi-decle.html并反对数十项规定与国会共享信息,即使是保密性共享信息。1790年1650节指示总统允许国会国防委员会审查(但不保留)国家安全总统网络空间DoD操作备忘录分类After being read at a secure facility, the classified documents are to be collected and returned to the President, the legislation stated.

No, said the White House.

This and other provisions on sharing of classified information "purport to mandate or regulate the dissemination of information that may be protected by executive privilege, including by interfering with Presidential control of the process for making a determination that information is protected," according to another December 20 signing statement.

"My Administration will treat these provisions consistent with the President's constitutional authority to control information, the disclosure of which could impair national security, foreign relations, law enforcement, or the performance of the President's constitutional duties."

The obvious defect in the White House posture is that Congress has constitutional duties of its own.其中许多职责要求国会访问行政部门拥有的信息国会必须资助(或拒绝资助)政府国家安全业务唯独它才有宣战权监督局义不容辞重要的是,它拥有工具强制披露它需要的信息 。

白宫最新签名声明表达出言语违抗感时,它们本身并不违抗或修改法律但他们也不做任何事情推进相竞利益解决 。

签名声明的意义在国会研究服务局2012年的一份报告中得到了审议金博宝网站See Presidential Signing Statements: Constitutional and Institutional Implications, January 4, 2012.


Many of the hundreds or thousands of reports that are submitted to Congress by executive branch agencies each year may be published online pursuant to a provision in the new Consolidated Appropriations Act (HR 1158, section 8092).

That provision states that any agency that is funded by the Act shall post on its website any report to Congress "upon the determination by the head of the agency that it shall serve the national interest."

The impact of the latter condition is unclear, particularly since no criteria for satisfying the national interest are defined.188金宝搏官网是多少In any case, reports containing classified or proprietary information would be exempt from publication online, and publication of all reports would be deferred for at least 45 days after their receipt by Congress, diminishing their relevance, timeliness and news value.

Reports to Congress often contain new information and perspectives but they are an under-utilized resource particularly because they are not readily available.

Some otherwise unpublished 2019 reports address, for example, DoD use of open burn pits, political boycotts of Israel, and the financial cost of war post-9/11.

The newly enacted FY2020 national defense authorization act alone includes hundreds of new, renewed, or modified reporting requirements, according to an unofficial tabulation.


Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

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金博宝网站//www.tumejico.com/sgp/news/secrecy/2019/12/122319.html 元2019年12月23日22:00:49EST
保密新闻01/13/20 secrecy
January 13, 2020

Secrecy News Blog: //www.tumejico.com/blogs/secrecy/


The National Nuclear Security Administration said last week that it will proceed with plans to sharply expand production of plutonium "pits" -- the explosive triggers for thermonuclear weapons -- without performing a full "programmatic" environmental review.

NNSA envisions producing "no fewer than 80 pits per year by 2030," including a minimum of 30 pits per year at Los Alamos National Laboratory and a minimum of 50 pits per year at the Savannah River Site.机构在1月8日联邦寄存通知中表示:「NNSSA确定不需要更多编程级NEPA[国家环境政策法]文档LosAlamos国家实验室和Savannah河站点的钚坑生产仍将准备具体评估)


In response to public comments challenging the basis for increased pit production, NNSA said that it is obliged by law to pursue the goal of producing "no fewer than 80 plutonium pits per year by 2030." (The exact numbers are classified.)

"These requirements are contained in federal law and national policy," the agency said.并不符合联邦法、2018NPR核态势评审和国策。普林斯顿大学的Frank von Hippel表示:「80坑/年需求出自四千坑除50年不足2千个坑需要重构两倍数吗?国防领导人讨论对钚坑的需要,iken标准 12月28日最近在这一领域的预算行动细节描述见国会研究服务局,2010年1月6日更新版(见esp/战略素材金博宝网站1011/Fas.org/sgp/crs/R444.pdf/ss/fs/sgp/crs/R444.pdf//a+/ul+p>NNSA2019年12月最后补充分析NNSA表示,JASON科学咨询组在一封提交能源局的新信报告中讨论了代理机构 " 失斟酌权考虑国家政策之外的替代物 " 。金博宝正规网址PitAnging网站,11月23日,2019年。他们指出,老化数据及相应的建模存在不确定性,并可以采取步骤减少不确定性并减轻老化的影响。快速重构芯片制作 ibject report非分类解析长解密报告不是JASONs最启发性的工作 。Stephen Young表示,金博宝网站"It is completely different than the ground-breaking 2007 [JASON] report, which gave a clear, concrete assessment of pit lifetime that was far beyond previous public estimates."

Still, some insight can be gleaned from the new report, said Steve Fetter of the University of Maryland.

"The most interesting sentence in this unclassified JASON summary is: 'A focused program of experiments, theory, and simulations is required to determine the timescales over which Pu [plutonium] aging may lead to unacceptable degradation in primary performance'."

"This implies that experiments, theory, and simulations conducted to date have not established such timescales," Fetter said.Reports换句话说,目前所有储存坑都产自1978至1989年。 国会研究局最近更新的核武器报告包括以下内容。

United United Nations金博宝正规网址Strategic Nuclear Forces: Background, Developments, and Issues, updated January 3, 2020:

Russia's Nuclear Weapons: Doctrine, Forces, and Modernization, updated January 2, 2020:

A Low-Yield, Submarine-Launched Nuclear Warhead: Overview of the Expert Debate, CRS In Focus, updated January 10, 2020:

Defense Primer: Strategic Nuclear Forces, CRS In Focus, updated January 10, 2020:

Defense Primer: Command and Control of Nuclear Forces, CRS In Focus, updated January 10, 2020:

* * *

For the second year in a row, the Department of Defense has refused to reveal the current size of the U.S.金博宝网站sgp/news/2019/12/stockpile-denial.pdf188金宝搏官网是多少No justification for the change in disclosure policy was provided.


Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

The Secrecy News blog is at:

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OR email your request to saftergood@www.tumejico.com

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保密新闻02/04/20 secrecy
February 4, 2020

Secrecy News Blog: //www.tumejico.com/blogs/secrecy/


While the Trump Administration has retreated from negotiated arms control agreements in many areas ranging from nuclear weapons to anti-personnel landmines, the US is still committed to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which generally prohibits the production and use of chemical weapons.

Last week the State Department certified to Congress -- as a required condition of continued US participation in the CWC -- that the consortium of CWC member countries known as the Australia Group "remains a viable mechanism for limiting the spread of chemical and biological weapons-related materials and technology."

"Australia Group members continue to maintain controls over the export of toxic chemicals and their precursors, dual-use processing equipment, human, animal, and plant pathogens and toxins with potential biological weapons applications, and dual-use biological equipment...," wrote Christopher A.金博宝网站福特助理国务卿ford.s.org/irp/report/cbw/ag-cert2019.pdf.s/www.tumejico.com/irp/report/cbw/ag-cert2019.pdf 化学武器储存已被销毁,主要是通过化学中和武器销毁,但也部分通过受控引爆销毁。金博宝网站Chemical Demilitarization Program, there were 19 reported incidents of chemical weapon agents leaking in 2019, though the Army said that no public exposure resulted.

The report said that the Department of Defense "expects to complete destruction operations by December 31, 2023," which is the deadline set by Congress.


Noteworthy new and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service include the following.

History, Evolution, and Practices of the President's State of the Union Address: Frequently Asked Questions, updated January 29, 2020:

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement: A Summary, January 29, 2020:

The Washington Post's "Afghanistan Papers" and U.S.金博宝网站Policy: Main Points and Possible Questions for Congress, January 28, 2020:

Solar Energy: Frequently Asked Questions, January 27, 2020:

Challenges to the United States in Space, CRS In Focus, updated January 27, 2020:

Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2020, updated January 13, 2020:

National Emergency Powers, updated December 5, 2019:

Diplomacy with North Korea: A Status Report, CRS In Focus, January 22, 2020:

The U.S.金博宝正规网址Nuclear Weapons Complex: Overview of Department of Energy Sites, updated February 3, 2020:

Presidential Pardons: Overview and Selected Legal Issues, January 14, 2020:

Congressional Oversight Manual, updated January 16, 2020:


Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

The Secrecy News blog is at:

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OR email your request to saftergood@www.tumejico.com

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金博宝网站//www.tumejico.com/sgp/news/secrecy/2020/02/020420.html Tues, 42020年2月17:56:31EST
secrecy新闻02/18/20 secrecy
2月18日 /blogs/secrecy/>/ss/fass.org/blogs/secrecy/..并向潜在对手证明限制核就业没有优势, 因为美国可以可信和果断地应对任何威胁假想, DoD在2月4日发布新闻中表示.sroom/Release/Release/Release/Referations/Reference2073532/state-on-f-w76-2-loield-ballist-m/'s./www. Defection.gov/Newsroom/Release/Release/2073532/state-the-firing-of-w76-2-loield-submarine-核策略Yet to a large extent it is built on wishful thinking and flimsy assumptions that can hardly stand common sense scrutiny.

The origins and development of the theory of nuclear war are illuminated with new clarity in Fred Kaplan's new book "The Bomb: Presidents, General, and the Secret History of Nuclear War." Based on interviews with many of the principals and on thousands of pages of declassified documents, Kaplan retells the story of how each Administration in the nuclear era has tried to manage the threat of nuclear war.

And like many significant works of history, his book also casts new light on the present.

Deterrence is an effort to affect the thinking of an adversary in order to discourage a resort to nuclear weapons.半个多世纪前Henry Kissinger写道(Kaplan,p.104.

但U.S.核威慑策略很少显示心理学敏锐或洞察力假设任何感知威胁最好用相似对应威胁来应对(即U.S.需要低当量核武器威慑俄罗斯低当量核武器等不考虑不同的外国领导人或完全不同的文化可能以不同方式阻抗或完全不阻抗的可能性推广危险但启发性信念 大核武库产生更大的“强度”和决定性等上.

同时,U.S.官员-如今连盟国都难以有效通信- 认为他们向外国对手发送有意义的阻抗信号1973年苏维埃外交部长Andrei Gromyko表示(Kaplan,p.kaplan写道, 问题在于是否正式认可不首先使用核武器的政策科学顾问John Holdren不仅主张不首先使用,也主张不使用i>second 这种变换或剧变可能还可能出现即便它没有太多可以限制和减少核战争威胁-包括扩展新裁武条约,该条约将于2021年过期icenter**QQQQQQ/Centercom/ideas/archive/2020/01/end-simple-Foreign-Policy/604783/但它也不是魔仙尘.

历史显示,威慑只在非常特殊的条件下才有效冷战期间,相互保证毁灭非常有助于预防一个结果:全核战争可能杀死数亿人民核威慑并不妨碍苏维埃的其他不良行为,包括入侵匈牙利、捷克斯洛伐克和阿富汗关键冷战取舍不是决策人多使用阻抗上星期国务院助理国务卿Christopher Ford相当令人不安的讲话显示, 批评根植于军备控制界内部的“病理学 ” 。福特所见 那些相信美国金博宝正规网址俄国违反条约行为无视事实,不关心实际安全问题,盲目专注于“美德信号学、进步团结学和对退步思维提高觉悟学”。Other卡普兰表示,从协议中取出俄国人想要的东西俄国军方从Gorbachev和Reagan签署时起就憎恶INF条约。金博宝正规网址293 ****#p/center188金宝搏官网是多少300)


Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

The Secrecy News blog is at:

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03/23/20保密新闻 secrecy
March 23, 2020

Secrecy News Blog: //www.tumejico.com/blogs/secrecy/


New resources from the Congressional Research Service add some depth to current news reporting on how the COVID-19 outbreak is affecting and being addressed by US policy.

* * *

COVID-19: Cybercrime Opportunities and Law Enforcement Response

"Officials have reported criminals using public interest in COVID-19 to their advantage.金博宝网站For instance, the Department of Justice (DOJ) cites 'reports of individuals and businesses selling fake cures for COVID-19 online and engaging in other forms of fraud, reports of phishing emails from entities posing as the World Health Organization or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and reports of malware being inserted onto mobile apps designed to track the spread of the virus'."

* * *

COVID-19 and Passenger Airline Travel

Curtailing infectious disease spread through airline travel is challenging, in part because the passenger airline system in the United States is highly concentrated around 30 large hub airports, with tens of thousands of passengers passing through each of these airports every day.

* * *

Federal Reserve: Recent Actions in Response to COVID-19

"The Federal Reserve has taken a number of steps to promote economic and financial stability involving the Fed's monetary policy and "lender of last resort" roles.金博宝网站Some of these actions are intended to stimulate economic activity by reducing interest rates and others are intended to provide liquidity to financial markets so that firms have access to needed funding."

* * *

Federal Assistance to Troubled Industries: Selected Examples

"This report examines selected past instances in which the government has aided troubled industries, providing information about the way in which such assistance was structured, the role of Congress, and the eventual cost."

* * *

COVID-19 and Direct Payments to Individuals: Historical Precedents

"There are historical precedents for such payments!其中大部分是通过联邦所得税法实现的国税局于1975年、2001年和2008年向纳税人寄送支票。金博宝网站miss.org/sgp/crs/IN11238.pdf金博宝网站sgp/cs/misc/LSB10415.pdf第一 联邦政府限制许多非美国国民最近亲临中国大陆、伊朗或欧洲大部第二,联邦政府对最近进入美国的所有人强制实施隔离要求,而不论其公民身份状况如何,这些人最近都去过这些地区。金博宝网站This Legal Sidebar examines the legal authorities underlying these actions, as well as possible legal challenges to their use."

* * *

Global Economic Effects of COVID-19: In Brief

"Policymakers are being overwhelmed by the quickly changing nature of the crisis that has compounded a health issue with what could become a global trade and economic crisis whose potential effects on the global economy are rapidly growing."

* * *

Postponing Federal Elections and the COVID-19 Pandemic: Legal Considerations

"This Sidebar reviews the legal provisions that would constrain any efforts to delay or cancel federal elections during a public health crisis or other national emergency.188金宝搏官网是多少The first part reviews laws pertaining to presidential elections, and the second part reviews laws relevant to congressional elections."


Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

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金博宝网站//www.tumejico.com/sgp/news/secrecy/2020/03/032320.html mon,23 Marc202012:37EDT
03/30/20保密新闻 secrecy
March 30, 2020

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The Department of Defense is quietly asking Congress to rescind the requirement to produce an unclassified version of the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) database.

Preparation of the unclassified FYDP, which provides estimates of defense spending for the next five years, has been required by law since 1989 (10 USC 221) and has become an integral part of the defense budget process.

But the Pentagon said that it should no longer have to offer such information in an unclassified format, according to a DoD legislative proposal for the pending FY 2021 national defense authorization act.

"The Department is concerned that attempting publication of unclassified FYDP data might inadvertently reveal sensitive information," the Pentagon said in its March 6, 2020 proposal.

"With the ready availability of data mining tools and techniques, and the large volume of data on the Department's operations and resources already available in the public domain, additional unclassified FYDP data, if it were released, potentially allows adversaries to derive sensitive information by compilation about the Department's weapons development, force structure, and strategic plans."

Therefore, DoD said, "This proposal would remove the statutory requirement to submit an Unclassified Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) to the Congress, the Congressional Budget Office, the Comptroller General of the United States, and the Congressional Research Service." It follows that FYDP data would also not be included in the published DoD budget request, as it typically has been in the past.

The DoD proposal would preserve a classified FYDP for Congress but it would repeal the requirement that DoD officials "certify that the data used to construct the FYDP is accurate." DoD said that "This requirement is unnecessary as information from these systems is already used to provide the President's Budget."

The unclassified FYDP helps inform budget analysis

At a time when it is clear to everyone that US national security spending is poorly aligned with actual threats to the nation (dry cough), the DoD proposal would make it even harder for Congress and the public to refocus and reconstruct the defense budget.

Without an unclassified FYDP, Congress and the public would be deprived of unclassified analyses like "Long-Term Implications of the 2020 Future Years Defense Program" produced last year by the Congressional Budget Office.

Other public reporting by GAO, CRS, the news media, and independent analysts concerning the FYDP and future defense spending would also be undermined.

Some information in the FYDP -- such as projected intelligence spending -- has always been deemed sensitive enough that it can be classified.

But most information in the FYDP is unclassified and is properly the subject of public oversight.举个例子 最近FY2021国防预算请求中 包括FY21FYDP项目列表 DoD不再发布其立法建议 事实已不再如此公有监督问责制大退后进程的一部分,五角大楼今日不方便公众获取其立法建议金博宝网站secrecy新闻获取当前多维立法提案包到3月6日s.org/man/eprint/ndaa-2021-prop/index.html>//www.tumejico.com/man/eprint/ndaa-2021-prop/index.html/a/ulp188金宝搏官网是多少s/www.tumejico.com/blogs/secrecy+18/dod-foia-tp2018/时委审议FY21NDAfreedOM信息发布时间COVID-19 金博宝网站sgp/cres/secrecy/R46292.pdf>//www.tumejico.com/sgp/crs/secrecy/R46292.pdf 金博宝正规网址Role in the World: Background and Issues for Congress, updated March 27, 2020:

The Employment-Based Immigration Backlog, March 26, 2020:

Demographic and Social Characteristics of Persons in Poverty: 2018, March 26, 2020:

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): Emergency Temporary Standards (ETS) and COVID-19, March 26, 2020:

Arms Control and Nonproliferation: A Catalog of Treaties and Agreements, updated March 26, 2020:

Congressional Use of Advisory Commissions Following Crises, CRS In Focus, March 25, 2020:


Secrecy News is written by Steven Aftergood and published by the Federation of American Scientists.

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金博宝网站//www.tumejico.com/sgp/news/secrecy/2020/03/033020.html mon,30 Mar202010:18:54EDT
保密新闻 188金宝搏官网是多少secrecy新闻 可查找 188金宝搏官网是多少//www.tumejico.com/blogs/secrecy/ mon,01Jun 2020 18:31:54EDT