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FAS Intro: The April 1995 meeting of the interagency Security Policy Board included some particularly noteworthy discussion of information systems security. The following draft minutes of the meeting, which have not been officially released, were obtained by the FAS Project on Government Secrecy.


24 1995年4月后,1000小时



第四个计划会议安全波利奇y Board (SPB) was convened on 24 April 1995 in Room 3E928, Pentagon. Co-chairs, Dr. John M. Deutch, Deputy Secretary of Defense (DepSecDef) and Acting Director of Central Intelligence, Admiral William O. Studeman, called the meeting to order at 1010.

Ambassador Anthony C.E. Quainton, Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security, Department of State, Mr. Raymond hammer, Deputy Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce, Mr. Kenneth Baker, Acting Director of Non-Proliferation and National Security, Department of Energy, Mr. Bryan Smith, Office of National Security and International Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Mr. Richard Riley, Director of Security, Department of Treasury, and Mr. Gerald Schroeder, Senior Attorney, Department of Justice, represented their respective departments and agencies.


A complete list of attendees in at Attachment B.


ADM Studeman deferred to Dr. Deutch for any opening comments. DepSecDef suggested going around the table for introductions. When Mr. Riley mentioned being from Treasury, DepSecDef commented that Mr. Newman was in good shape at home as he observed from a recent visit last weekend.他评论说,婚姻必须做的事情。ADCI评论说,“白宫缺失”到德语评论说:“好!”

此时,德语博士邀请Saderholm先生,d / SPB工作人员,开始了议事日程。d / SPB工作人员表示,有很多以支付与联合安全委员会的建议开始。




Saderholm先生恢复了他的解释,与持续人员安全建议。他读/转述每项建议从每个工作人员的安全问题,即#秒13,20,28,32,34和50 Saderholm先生告知,JSC措辞了13号略有不同,但该SPF曾建议增加也就是说绑在JSC建议行政命令国家安全机密信息。Saderholm告知#秒20 28,32和34都实现/执行命令对草案内通过接触机密信息。#50已在国家工业安全计划操作手册(NISPOM)获得通过,仍然需要在USG继续证明不是根据合同承包商人的姓名。多伊奇博士问JSC建议#34扩展到所有机构,包括美国中央情报局和Saderholm先生回答说,这是一次顺序上签字。

由于没有其他的问题或异议,Saderholm先生继续与设施保护的建议。He again read/paraphrased each of the recommendations from facilities protection, is. #s 45, 46, 47, 48a and 51.此时(1019),布莱恩·史密斯先生,代表管理和预算办公室来了。



With respect to issue #51, Mr. Slocombe, Defense Policy, asked if this was to be an electronic badge since some systems in the Pentagon and some do not. Mr. Saderholm advised that there were lots of issues still involved such as format, electronic standards, and badges owned by facilities. The ADCI advised that cost was important and would probably be amortized over time. Dr. Deutch ended the discussion be saying that it sounded easy to him, just pick a badge "that goes in and let's get on with it."

Saderholm先生通过描述/ SPF建议处理JSC问题达成的议程,这部分金博宝正规网址培训和专业发展。Saderholm先生读/意译问题#74。

After assuring that there was no other questions or discussions, the SPB endorsed/approved the adoption of the recommendations.


Saderholm先生moved the meeting to the next agenda item concerning Information Systems Security, which took up the balance of the meeting.

Information Systems Security


Mr. Marquette began by describing the National Communication System (NCS). He advised that it was an organization of 23 departments and agencies chartered to ensure that the national telecommunications infrastructure is prepared to meet critical communications needs in times of national emergency. He cited NCS support of the Committee of Principals, which is a forum of 23 departments and agencies that identify and work issues of reliability, interoperability and security of telecommunications and associated information systems that affect the public switch network. The NCS is the one USG forum for addressing the vital issues of information system security.

马凯特先生告知,NCS还支持美国国家安全电信咨询委员会(NSTAC)总统咨询委员会提出的大公司的首席执行官29 /总裁起来。




该ADCI提供该输入需要来自右表示的水平。他建议,这是自1987年(CSA / 87)的计算机安全法案明确指出,希尔显然意味着被分离的部门。有很多涉及到包括技术,涉及国家安全局和金博宝正规网址美国国家研究所标准与技术研究院(NIST),威胁评估,通用的架构与政策/标准的问题。他认为,公众想不明白组织成一个“左手右手”应对这一问题的USG。

施罗德先生,司法,告知法官准备支持一个共同的方法,但警告说,高灵敏度的需求必须考虑到这些问题,导致了CSA / 87,特别是公民自由,隐私问题。金博宝正规网址

Mr. Kammer, NIST/Commerce, advised that once the issues are clearly defined, there is a great potential for "intentional distortion by some people."

多伊奇博士建议,我们有一个“非常,非常大的全国性的问题。这是非常,非常昂贵的做一些事情。”他表示,这个问题没有得到很好的区分,并为“理想的设计,为USG不能够应付它。”他表示,技术是非常不同的,但是接受对方长相与国家邮政局怀疑。他建议,国家邮政局正试图采取的第一个步骤来解决这个问题。在他看来,这是有道理采取一种跨地看问题;它不是国防部/ IC与民间机构。这完全是混淆在一起。


Dr. Deutch advised that we need to go for the common good. ADM Owens, JCS, inserted the opinion "shame on us if we don't." Dr. Deutch commented that was right but the problem is complicated. He asked Mr. Hall if there were a terms of reference (TOR). Mr. Hall advised that there was not. Mr. Marquette asked if there ought to be a chair by a non-DoD/IC agency. Dr. Deutch answered yes. ADCI advised that the principal challenge is dealing with the "optics," but we do need to have some togetherness on the issue. He indicated that it seems to be about how best to organize and that the answer may not even be at this table.

Saderholm先生建议,光学more that the last sentence of the information systems security recommendation issue paper (Last Sentence: As a first step, Board members should provide a representative to participate in meetings to compile a listing of major information systems security issues that should be addressed, and require that the meeting group provide its listing to the Board within 60 days.) He suggested establishing a working group to craft a TOR.

多伊奇博士建议起草职责范围,其中将包括谁关心这个问题的SPB的机构代表,以及科学和技术政策(OSTP)办公室的代表。他进一步提出,联合主席是美国国防部和商务部以及该研究包括及时性和不超过各机构的代表下签署了。然后他说,分离是不是一个真正的选择不再and that the initial inquiry be "no holds barred."

Mr. Haver, Co-chair SPF, advised that the "political optics" are different. He indicated that we can tee the issue up for them because the political center may be different, citing a new chair of the House Judiciary Committee. He also cautioned about civil liberties. And he thought it could be done as an SPF matter.



霍尔先生指出,一个TOR将准备,而且SPF特别会议将与特定请求SPB成员派代表来调用。Mr. Riley, Treasury, stated that this administration looks at particulars differently. AMB Quainton, State, advised that State has been dealing with the situation overseas for sometime and will be glad to help.Mr. Marquette indicated that NSTAC would certainly be on-side about this.

Dr. Deutch concluded by stating "let's try it and see where it goes." He implored the membership that if they "don't want to do it, speak up." He added that "we won't be successful if we all don't want to do it." He added it shouldn't get into endless sessions. Mr. Saderholm opined that it will be difficult to do with everybody's cooperation and impossible without their cooperation.










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